What Is Reiki?

A Brief Overview

The knowledge that an unseen energy flows through all living things and is connected directly to the quality of health has been part of the wisdom of many cultures since ancient times.

The existence of this “life force energy” has been verified by recent scientific experiments, and medical doctors are considering the role it plays in the functioning of the immune system and the healing process.

Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that allows everyone to tap into an unlimited supply of “life force energy” to improve health and enhance the quality of life.

It is administered by the practitioner placing his/her hands on or near the body and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.

If ones’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki is both powerful and gentle and can be use on adults, children and animals. In its long history of use it has aided in healing virtually every known illness and injury including serious problems like: multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and cancer as well as skin problems, cuts, bruises, broken bones, headache, colds, flu, sore throat, sunburn, fatigue, insomnia, impotence, poor memory, lack of confidence, etc.

A treatment feels like a Wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being. It is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy.

If a client has a health condition, and wants to be treated with Reiki, it is recommended that they do so under the supervision of an enlightened medical doctor or other health care professional. Reiki will improve the results of all medical treatment, acting to reduce negative side effects, shorten healing time, reduce or eliminate pain, reduce stress, and help create optimism.

A Reiki treatment is normally 1  hour long. You will be laying on a table, fully clothed. You will be asked to remove shoes and all jewelry. It is not unusual for a person to fall asleep during a treatment and/or experience some emotional release.

After treatment I recommend the person sit for about 10 minutes to regain their mental focus and discuss how they are feeling and anything that may have entered their thoughts during the treatment.

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